Tag Archives: sundew vespex european wasp

ABC Hobart Radio Interview – Tasman Pest Management & Sundew Solutions VESPEX European Wasp Control.

VESPEX ABC Radio TasmanPM Sundew David Priddy European Wasp Baiting

“ABC Hobart host David Reilly interviews industry leaders Myles Dunbabin Fazckerely and David Priddy”

Sundew VESPEX Program Exceeds Customer Expectations, by Craig Nikel, Brighton Pest Management, TAS.

Sundew VESPEX Dominator Tasmania Brighton PC 2024-01

“Each year, I have lots of call outs for wasps in my pest control business, Brighton Pest Control, TAS.”

Targeting European Wasp Queens by Myles Dunbabin Fazackerley, Tasman Pest Management

Sundew VESPEX Dominator Tasmania 2024-01

“At Tasman Pest Management, we are proud to partner with Sundew Solutions in deploying the VESPEX European Wasp System across various vineyards on the Tasman Peninsula.”

Embracing Innovation: The Sundew VESPEX European Wasp Accredited Specialist Course Goes Fully Automated

Sundew VESPEX European Wasp Accredited Specialist training fully automated

6 October 2023 – AEPMA eNewsletter. In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, the Sundew VESPEX European Wasp Accredited Specialist Course has embraced innovation by transitioning to a fully automated online format. This shift marks a significant leap forward in the world of pest management training, making it more accessible and convenient for pest […]


Sundew Vespex european wasp explosion australia-01

11 May 2023 – Published AEPMA eNewsletter Reports are coming in thick and fast from pest management professionals across NSW, VIC, TAS and SA that European wasp populations have exploded over the past month. At this time of year European wasp nests are at their peak in size.  Colonies change their focus to producing vast […]

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