BAYSOL Snail & Slug Bait
20 g/kg Methiocarb
Bait pellet
– 600 g Plastic Pail with scoop (Order Code: SUN903)
For the control of snails, slugs, millipedes and slaters in home gardens and other various situations as specified on the label.
What makes Baysol the best snail & slug killer?
All snail baits are not the same
While all snail baits work in much the same way, it’s the speed of effectiveness of the snail killer that’s important. In field trials, Baysol Snail & Slug Bait performed faster and killed a far greater number of snails than any other brands.
Snails and slugs can ravage your garden, ruining your investment in flowers and plants. Isn’t it worth choosing the brand long recognised by experienced gardeners as offering better performance – and therefore better value for money!
Why Baysol kills more snails faster
All snail baits are attractive to snails. The difference is that Baysol uses a specifically formulated ingredient that, once ingested by the snail, kills quickly and allows fewer snail to recover.
Why does it last longer in all weather conditions?
Snails are most prevalent on damp and rainy nights. Therefore, it’s important that the snail bait you use doesn’t deteriorate in damp conditions. In field tests where Baysol and other baits were subjected to high watering, Baysol showed much higher durability, along with better performance. Baysol also offers superior mould resistance, even in the dampest conditions. It gives two weeks of protection against snails, slugs, slaters and millipedes… rain, hail or shine. Eventually, Baysol Snail & Slug Bait will undergo a gradual but complete breakdown into your soil.
How to use Baysol for maximum snail and slug control
Baysol comes in a convenient 600 gram weatherproof plastic pail with carry handle and applicator scoop. Sprinkle Baysol evenly on the area you want to protect – don’t leave it in heaps. The best time to scatter Baysol around seedlings is when they’re first planted. Sprinkle Baysol among the strappy leaves of plants such as agapanthus and daylilies because snails rest there during the day. Reapply Baysol pellets every 2-3 weeks.
Baysol – the blue bait for better performance
Baysol has a difference you can see right away. It’s the ‘Blue Bait’ most recognised by gardeners for its effectiveness.
By following the simple directs on the pail, you’re assured of maximum results in ridding your garden of destructive snails and slugs. Regular application of blue Baysol Snail and Slug Bait will allow your precious plants to grow strong and healthy. It’s suitable for all plants in your garden including flowers, vegetables and shrubs. Remember to store Baysol Snail and Slug Bait in a safe place out of the reach of children and pets.
Baysol gives you better performance, better value
Eliminate snails, slugs, slaters and millipedes in your home garden with Baysol Snail & Slug Bait. This rapid acting, mould resistant, long-lasting bait is easy to use straight from the pack.
- Effective and economical
- Ready to use pellet bait
- Handy weather proof plastic pail with carry handle
- Applicator scoop inside pack
- Easy to apply
- One pellet can eliminate up to 30 snails
- Works best in the rain
- Faster kill – fewer recoveries
- High quality – less mould in the wet
- Snails, slugs, millipedes, slaters – the blue one gets them all
- Biodegradable pellets
- Contains a bittering agent (Bitrex) that helps prevent accidental consumption by children and pets
- No hazard to earth worms
- Made in Australia